収録アルバム: “Magical Mystery Tour"(1967年発売)

Magical Mystery Tour
冒頭の歌詞「Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour」はポールがイギリスに戻る飛行機の中で思いついた。
Official Music Video
Title: Magical Mystery Tour
Artist: The Beatles
Words & Music By: Lennon/ McCartney
(Roll up, roll up, for the Magical Mystery Tour, step right this way)
Roll up roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
That's an invitation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
To make a reservation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour
Is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away
Roll up
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
They've got everything you need
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
Satisfaction guaranteed
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away
The Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour
Roll up
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
That's an invitation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
Roll up
To make a reservation
Roll up for the Mystery Tour
The Magical Mystery Tour
Is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The Magical Mystery Tour
Is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today